Wednesday 1 August 2012

Why this blog?

Hi, this is Ben Wong. I am a local Hong Kong dude.

Let me say this upfront so you guys won't romanticize my selflessness in introducing Hong Kong to the world that don't speak Cantonese: I do this blog for a very selfish reason: I am writing this for my Estonian girlfriend who is coming to Hong Kong in a month! (So then she knows what to expect - and what not to... I'm trying to save a relationship here! And to celebrate her birthday <3 )

In this blog, I will try to speak some truth about Hong Kong, so people will stop picturing Hong Kong only as a crowded city of tall buildings and of people who speak an absurdly noisy language. Man, there is more to this city than that - we have snake soup, swine flu and typhoons.
And of course there are cats!

A cat lazing around on a hot summer day on a post box.

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