Friday 14 September 2012

Where in the world can protesting be a tourist attraction?

Not long ago, Lonely Planet named Hong Kong as one of the top 10 cities to visit in 2012. And one reason being:

"The mood in China’s most liberated city is edgier and more vocal than ever. This will be a particularly exciting year for Hong Kong, as it continues its march towards full democracy. Rallies are infused with theatrics and eruptions of song, dance and poetry, reflecting the city’s vibrant indie music and literary scenes."                                    

Read more here.

So, protesting is actually a tourist attraction in HK.
Why is that? 
(1) There are so many people participating. Two months ago, there were more than 400,000 people in the rally against "National Education". 

(2) It is all peaceful. So peaceful that you really can't believe it unless you see it yourself. No cars turned, no windows broken, no shops burned down, no police killed, no riots, no rubbish left on the streets! There were 400,000 men and women, young and old in the pack of people under the scorching sun. How is this possible? I don't know... considering several hundred people can already make a deadly riot in other places of the world. 

And we did it again. 8,000 university students gathered to say no to "National Education". All peaceful, there were songs, shouts and speeches.

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